HP109-PE Chapter 1. Enjoying the Built-in Songs


Listening to the Demo Songs
You can listen to various demo songs, including those dem-
onstrating the piano and other tones, as well as the function
applied to the piano tones.

Playing Back the Tone Demo Songs

Press the [Demo] button.
The buttons indicator flashes, and playback of the tone
demo songs starts.
When playback of the last song is finished, playback then
returns to the first song.
When you press any of the tone buttons while the [Demo]
button is flashing, the demo song corresponding to that
tone button is played.

Stopping the Tone Demo Songs

Press the [Demo] button.
The [Demo] buttons indicator goes off, and the demo

Listening to a Demo of the Functions

You can listen to the demo of the functions that can be
applied to the piano tones.
Press the [Demo] button.
The buttons indicator flashes, and playback of the tone
demo songs starts.

Press any of the following buttons.

When a button is pressed, the demo assigned to the button
is played. Two versions of the demo will be playedone
includes the function provided by the button youve
pressed, the other doesnt.

Stopping the Demo of the Functions

Press the [Demo] button.
The [Demo] buttons indicator goes off, and the demo
Button assigned
tone demo Demo content
[Piano] Piano tone demo songs
[E. Piano] E. Piano tone demo songs
[Harpsichord] Harpsichord tone demo songs
[Organ] Organ tone demo songs
[Strings] Strings tone demo songs
[Acoustic Layering] Demo songs using the Acoustic Layering
function (p. 19)
[Split] Demo songs using the Split function (p. 21)
Button assigned function
demo Demo content
[Grand Space] Grand Space demo p. 17
[Dynamic Emphasis] Dynamic Emphasis demo p. 18
Piano Resonance [Key Off] Key off demo p. 15
Piano Resonance [String] String Resonance demo p. 15
Piano Resonance [Damper] Damper Resonance demo p. 16
Key Touch [Hammer] Hammer Response demo p. 16
When you press the button pressed in Step 2, you can
switch between demos both with the function switched
on and off.
The Hammer Response function demo makes it easy to
hear how the sound will be with the function both on and

About the Hammer Response Function


The performance stops when the Hammer Response
function demo is selected. Hammer Response is alter-
nately switched on and off each time you press the Key
Touch [Hammer] button.
Try playing the keyboard and see how the Hammer
Response function feels.
When Hammer Response is switched on, the sounds are
expressed more slowly as you play the keys with
greater force.