Drum Kit List
No. Drum Kit Name Remark
61 Club
62 JzTheatr * x-stick
63 TileRoom
64 Garage
65 GigaHall
66 Cave
67 Timbongo
68 LowFi
69 Scary
70 Fibre
71 Birch
72 RoseWood
73 Oyster
74 Melody
75 Kids
76 Gospel
77 PedalEFX
78 Gate
79 Science!
80 CopprSnr
No. Drum Kit Name Remark
81 SteelSnr
82 BrassSnr
83 BelBrSnr
84 JunkYard
85 BrikHous
86 OpenLoFi
87 Lazy
88 Cartoon
89 Studio2
90 Studio3
91 PopKit X * x-stick
92 Standrd1
93 Standrd2
94 Room
95 Power
96 Jazz
97 Tabla * Pad Pattern
(CR1_R, RD_H)
98 LatnSqnc * Pad Pattern
(CR1_R, CR2_R)
99 User Kit
No.: Drum Kit Number (Program Number)
* x-stick:
A velocity switching “snare rim” sound, that when played softly produces a cross stick sound, and when played harder
produces a rim shot sound.
When using the PD-80R or PD-120 for snare (trigger input 2), you can play using the cross stick technique.
*Pad Pattern:
The pad pattern function (p. 65) is set for the pads within the parentheses ( ).
(KIK = Kick, SNR = Snare, HH = Hi-Hat, T = Tom, CR = Crash, RD = Ride, H = Head, R = Rim)
No.92 Standard–96 Jazz:
This kit has the instruments in each percussion set assigned to the pads.
No.99 User Kit:
Parameters including volume etc. are set to standard values.
Use this when creating a kit from scratch.
You can restore an edited drum kit to its factory settings. For more information, refer to “Restoring the Factory Settings
for the Edited Drum Kit” (p. 70).