You can use this function to stack several regions, one after the other, in the parallel direction. However, you cannot stack more than one region at a time in the serial direction. s_offset may be zero. All other parameters must be between 1 and 65,535, inclusive. s_size and p_size must be at least as large as their corresponding s_bin and p_bin. Finally, s_offset and s_size must be no larger than the CCD serial size.
script_begin( );
This must be the first instruction in the script. It signals that the script is starting now. Any text that occurs before this instruction is ignored. This allows you to put in an initial comment block that can be used to explain the purpose and operation of script programs. This instruction automatically puts the CCD into shift_mode_is.
This must be the last instruction in a script. It signals to the compiler that the script program is now finished. Any text that occurs after this instruction is ignored. If the parameter contin_clear is 1, the camera remains in continuous clear mode. This indefinitely cycles the CCD in a
This function shifts the number_of_lines rows of data, in the parallel direction, using the current shift mode. Depending on the shift mode in use, this may or may not shift the entire parallel register (it may shift only the storage array), shift the rows either forward or backward (depending on the setting of the ALT shift modes), or use MPP mode for the clocking. The serial register is cleared during the shift operation, so any charge dumped into the serial register is eliminated. The two most common cases are described below:
shift_mode_is or shift_mode_ism: In these two modes, the entire parallel register is being moved. Issuing the instructions shift(3); moves the entire parallel register 3 rows closer to the serial register. The far end of the parallel register is filled with zeros (no charge). The three rows closest to the serial register are dumped in to the serial register and cleared.
shift_mode_s or shift_mode_sm: These two modes can only be performed on
Please note that the alternate shift modes are usually loaded at the factory with settings that are identical to the normal modes. You can request custom settings that allow backward shifting, shift image only, etc.
Also note that shifting is not useful for outputting pixels. It is readout. Readout must be done through the pixel_readout 1 and 65,535, inclusive.
useful only for moving a region into position for command. number_of_lines must be between
shift_image_to_storage( );
This function can only be used on
10Advanced Camera Operation Manual