Wireless LAN PCI Card RNX-N300X User Manual
Authentication Type There are 7 types of authentication modes supported by RaUI
including open, Shared, LEAP, WPA and WPA-PSK, WPA2
and WPA2-PSK
Encryption Type For open and shared authentication mode, the selection of
encryption type are None and WEP. For WPA, WPA2,
WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK authentication mode, the
encryption type supports both TKIP and AES.
802.1x Use 802.1x to make WPA and WPA2 certification. This
functions only works when connecting to a WPA and WPA2
supported device.
WPA Pre-shared Key This is the shared secret between AP and STA. For WPA-PSK
and WPA2-PSK authentication mode, this field must be filled
with character longer than 8 and less than 32 length.
WEP Key Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithm. The key
must matched AP's key.
4. Specify the 802.1x information if you are using the 802.1X certification method.
Users that don’t use this function or connecting to an open-wireless network please skip this