on the Pocket PC since the last synchronization are compared and reconciled.
In the Settings menu of the Microsoft ActiveSync® program you can define precisely which rules are to be applied during synchronization.
Call up the program Help (by pressing F1) in order to see the effects of the corresponding settings.
If the Pocket PC is not recognized as a partner, restricted guest access is automatically activated that allows, for example, data to be exchanged.
If this should occur even though there is a registered partnership, remove the Pocket PC from the charging/synchronization docking station and switch it off and on again.
If you have changed the device name in the Pocket PC this may be the cause of this malfunction. Please remember this if you change the name of the Pocket PC under Start → Settings .
Change the device name of the Pocket PC if necessary, if it does not correspond with the device name stored by ActiveSync®.
1.Take the Pocket PC out of the docking station. In order to execute a function or a program,
-Use the stylus to tap Start and then tab your desired operation on the drop down list.
-Press the program keys of the Pocket PC in order to start the desired program. The underlying programs can be defined using Start → Settings → Buttons .
2.Explanations of the operation and functionality of the programs can be obtained from Start → Help .
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