Select Color and press ENTER or SELECT a blue filter, adjust the color saturation level appear to be a single shade of blue:
. While looking at the color bar pattern through until the outermost (gray and blue) color bars
gray | yellow | cyan | green | magenta | red | blue |
Tint: Tint or “hue” is essentially the ratio of red to green in the color portion of the image. When tint is decreased, the image appears redder; when it is increased the image appears greener. To set the tint, select Tint and press ENTER or SELECT. While looking at the color bar pattern through a blue filter, adjust the tint level until the cyan and magenta color bars (on either side of the green bar) appear to be a single shade of blue.
Like the brightness and contrast controls, the color and tint controls
Note are interactive. A change to one may require a subtle change to the other in order to achieve the optimum setting.
52 | Runco |