Drive button

How to use the interval shooting

1.Select the Interval shooting icon [ ] by rotating the Rear jog dial (JOG2).

2. Press the shutter button to capture an image. Images are taken at a set interval.

- After taking a picture, the camera power is turned off automatically.

-After a set time, the camera power is turned on automatically and the second image is taken.

-Images are taken up to a set number of shots at fixed intervals.

3.After completing the interval shooting, the camera power is turned off automatically.

How to set the interval shooting















1. Press the Menu button and select the [P] menu tab.















2. Press the Right button and select the [Interval/Time]



Voice Memo











menu by pressing the Up/ Down button.








3. Press the Right button and select a desired menu





















by pressing the Up/ Down button.









Color Space





- Interval time : 1 ~ 60 Min. (per interval)
















[ Selecting the interval time ]

4. Press the OK button to set the setting.









5. Select the [Interval/Number] menu.















6. Press the Right button and select a desired menu










Voice Memo





by pressing the Up/ Down button.




















- the interval can be set to any number of shots between














2 and 99.








7. Press the OK button to set the setting.



Color Space







Save Myset





























[ Selecting the number of interval shots ]


If you press the power button during the interval shooting (camera power is off), the interval shooting is cancelled.

You can’t select the interval shooting in the Auto recording mode and movie clip mode. If you select RAW, TIFF file format, you can’t select the interval shooting.

You can set the number of interval shots over number of shots remaining but the images are taken to the number of shots remaining.

We recommend that you use a fully charged battery or AC adapter when you take the interval shots.