Starting play mode

Playing back a movie clip

Steps from 1-2 are the same as those to play back a still image.

3.Select the recorded movie clip that you want to play back by using the Left/ Right button.

4.Press the Play & Pause button ( ) to play back

a movie clip file.



- To play back or pause a movie clip. Press the Play &


Pause button.


- To rewind the movie clip while it is playing, press the Left


button. To fast forward the movie clip, press the Right




-Whenever you press the Left/ Right button while the movie clip is playing the rewinding/ fast forwarding speed will be 2, 4, 8 times faster.

Pressing the Play & Pause button will reduce the speed.

-To stop playback of the movie clip, press the Play & Pause button, and then press the Left or Right button.

Movie clip capture function : capture still images from the movie clip.

How to capture the movie clip

Steps 1-2 are the same as those for playing back a still image.

3. Select the recorded movie clip that you want to playCapture:SHUTTER back by using the Left/ Right button.

4. Press the Play & Pause button to play back the movie clip.


[ Pause ]

5.Press the Play & Pause button while playing the movie clip. Then press the Shutter button.

6. The paused movie clip is saved in a new file name. * The captured movie clip file has the same size as the original movie clip (640X480, 320X240, 160X120).

[ Press the shutter button ]