Auto retry

When enabled, your phone will automatically re-attempt a call when it encounters a network busy signal.

From the Settings menu, touch Call settings Auto retry to enable or disable automatic call retry. When enabled, a check mark appears in the check box.

TTY mode

When enabled, TTY Mode allows your phone to work with a TTY device attached to the Headset Jack. Before using your phone with a TTY device, you’ll need to enable TTY Mode.

1.From the Settings menu, touch Call settings TTY mode.

2.Touch TTY mode off, or Full TTY, TTY HCO (TTY + Hear), or TTY VCO (TTY + Talk).

DTMF tones

Set the length of DTMF (Dual Tone Multiple Frequency) tones that your phone sends. DTMF tones are used as input by some automated call systems.

1.From the Settings menu, touch Call settings DTMF tones.

2.Touch Normal or Long.

Call Restrictions

Call Restrictions lets you limit calls made with and to you phone

1.From the Settings menu, touch Call settings Call Restrictions.

2.Touch Incoming to choose to Allow All Incoming calls, Allow Contacts Incoming calls only, or to Allow None.

3.Touch Outgoing to choose to Allow All Outgoing calls, Allow Contacts Outgoing calls only, or to Allow None.

Voice privacy

When enabled, enhanced privacy encrypts your voice calls.

1.From the Settings menu, touch Call settings.

2.Touch Voice privacy to enable or disable enhanced privacy. When enabled, a check mark appears in the check box.

Auto Answer

When enabled Auto Answer lets you set your phone to automatically answer calls when you receive them or after a few seconds delay.

1.From the Settings menu, touch Call settings Auto Answer.

2.Select Off, After 1 Second, After 3 Second, or After 5 Second.

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Samsung GH68_3XXXXA user manual Auto retry, TTY mode, Dtmf tones, Call Restrictions, Voice privacy, Auto Answer