3 Adjust the following settings to customise the DLNA feature:



Device name

Enter a name for your device as a

media server.


Share videos

Turn on video sharing with other

DLNA-enabled devices.




Share photos

Turn on image sharing with other

DLNA-enabled devices.




Share music

Turn on music sharing with other

DLNA-enabled devices.




Upload from

Set whether or not to accept the

other devices

upload from other devices.




Select the default memory location for


saving downloaded media files.




Set to display subtitles.



››Play your files on another DLNA-enabled device

1 In Idle mode, open the application list and select AllShare. 2 Select My device.

3 Select a media category and a file.

4 Select a player—the one that will play the media file. Playback begins at the selected player.

5 Control playback using icons of your device.

Playback may be buffered, depending on the network connection and the connected server.
