Enter a keyword for the location and select . To search for a location by voice, select .

Select the location you want to view details.

To view a list of all results for your search, select . To zoom in or out, select or .

To search for a place around you, select . To add layers to the map, select .

To view your current location, select .

To add a star to the location, select the balloon of the location name .

››Get directions to a specific destination

1 In Idle mode, open the application list and select Maps. 2 Press [] Directions.

3 Enter the addresses of the starting location and the ending location.

To select an address from your contact list or starred

places, or point the location on the map, select Contacts, Point on map, or My Places.

4 Select a travel method (car, bus, or walk) and select Get directions.

The route is indicated on the map. Depending on the selected travel method, you may see multiple routes. Select a route to view details of your trip and select to view the route on the map.

5 Select or to view only a single part of the route.

6 When you are finished, press [] Clear Map.
