Number Function

Refresh the current web page; While the

4device is loading web pages, this icon changes to .

5Access a list of web browser options. Open a web page in a new window or

6switch between the currently opened windows.

While browsing the web page, use the following options:

To zoom in, place two fingers on the screen and spread them apart. To zoom out, move your fingers closer together. You can also double-tap the screen.

To use additional features, select and select one of the following options:

-- Add bookmark: Bookmark the current web page.

-- Add to home screen: Add a shortcut to the current web page to the idle screen.

-- Download manager: View the download history.

-- Search text: Search for text on the current web page.

-- Brightness: Adjust the brightness of the screen.

-- Word wrapping on: Set the browser to adjust the text flow to fit the screen.

-- Exit: Close the web browser.
