Bluetooth uređaj možete povezati sa Soundbar i slušati glazbu s visokokvalitetnim stereo zvukom, i to bez žica!

++Spajanje sustava Soundbar na uređaj Bluetooth

Provjerite podržava li Bluetooth uređaj funkciju stereo slušalica kompatibilnih s tehnologijom Bluetooth.

1. Da biste odabrali BT način , pritisnite tipku (

) na

gornjoj ploči glavne jedinice ili tipku


na daljinskom upravljaču.

Na prednjem zaslonu sustava Soundbar prikazat će se BT READY.

2.Odaberite izbornik Bluetooth na uređaju Bluetooth koji želite spojiti. (pogledajte korisnički priručnik uređaja Bluetooth).

3.Odaberite izbornik stereo slušalica na uređaju Bluetooth.

Vidjet ćete popis skeniranih uređaja.

4.S popisa odaberite "[Samsung] Soundbar J-Series".

Ako je uređaj Soundbar povezan s Bluetooth uređajem, na prednjem zaslonu prikazuje se [Naziv Bluetooth uređaja] BT.

Naziv uređaja može biti prikazan samo na engleskom jeziku. Ako naziv nije na engleskom jeziku, prikazat će se podvlaka " _ ".

Pokušaj uparivanja uređaja Bluetooth sa sustavom Soundbar nije uspio, izbrišite poruku "[Samsung] Soundbar J-Series" koju je uređaj Bluetooth ranije napravio i ponovno potražite Soundbar.

5.Na spojenom uređaju reproducirajte glazbu.

Možete slušati glazbu koja se reproducira na spojenom uređaju Bluetooth putem sustava Soundbar.

U BT načinu rada nisu dostupne funkcije Play (Reproduciraj)/Pause (Pauziraj)/Next (Sljedeće)/ Prev (Natrag). Ove funkcije dostupne su na

Bluetooth uređajima koji podržavaju značajku



Uređaju Bluetooth

Ako se tijekom povezivanja Bluetooth uređaja od vas traži PIN kôd, unesite <0000>.

Može se upariti samo po jedan uređaj Bluetooth.

Kada se uređaj Soundbar isključi, prekinut će se Bluetooth veza.

Na uređaju Soundbar funkcije Bluetooth pretraživanja ili povezivanja možda neće pravilno raditi u sljedećim okolnostima:

--Ako se oko sustava Soundbar nalazi jako električno polje.

--Ako je sa sustavom Soundbar upareno više uređaja Bluetooth.

--Ako je uređaj Bluetooth isključen, nije postavljen ili je neispravan.

--Imajte na umu da uređaji poput mikrovalnih pećnica, bežičnih LAN adaptera, fluorescentnih svjetala I plinskih peći koriste isti frekvencijski raspon kao i uređaj Bluetooth koji može uzrokovati električne smetnje.

Soundbar podržava SBC podatke (44,1 kHz, 48 kHz).

Spojite ga samo na uređaj Bluetooth koji podržava funkciju A2DP (AV).

Soundbar ne možete povezati s Bluetooth uređajem koji podržava samo funkciju HF (bez ruku).

Nakon što uparite uređaj, u načinu D.IN/AUX/ HDMI/USB/TV odaberite "[Samsung] Soundbar J-Series" s popisa za automatsku promjenu u način BT.

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Samsung HW-J551/EN manual ++Spajanje sustava Soundbar na uređaj Bluetooth, Bluetooth uređajima koji podržavaju značajku

HW-J550/EN, HW-J551/EN specifications

The Samsung HW-J551/EN and HW-J550/EN soundbars are a testament to the company's commitment to delivering superior audio experiences in modern home entertainment. These sleek, stylish soundbars are designed to enhance your television's audio output, providing a more immersive sound experience for movies, music, and gaming.

One of the standout features of these soundbars is their Bluetooth connectivity, enabling hassle-free pairing with various devices. Whether you want to stream music from your smartphone or wirelessly connect to your tablet, the Bluetooth capability ensures that you enjoy high-quality audio without the clutter of cables.

Both models come equipped with a powerful built-in subwoofer that delivers deep, booming bass, allowing you to feel the impact of every explosion and musical note in a way that standard TV speakers simply cannot match. This allows for a rich and well-rounded sound profile that enhances the overall viewing and listening experience.

The Samsung HW-J551/EN and HW-J550/EN soundbars also feature the Smart Sound technology. This advanced feature analyzes the audio content being played and optimizes the sound settings accordingly, ensuring that everything from dialogue in films to high-energy music is crystal clear. This adaptive sound technology helps ensure that users get the most out of their content, providing tailored audio for every scene.

Additionally, these soundbars include multiple sound modes which allow users to switch between different profiles based on their current activity. Whether enjoying a movie, watching sports, or playing video games, you can choose the mode that best fits the situation to capture the perfect audio.

The design of the HW-J551/EN and HW-J550/EN is equally impressive. With their minimalist aesthetics, they fit seamlessly into any home decor. The compact size makes them easy to position in front of a TV or mount on a wall, further enhancing the space.

In summary, the Samsung HW-J551/EN and HW-J550/EN soundbars are well-equipped with modern features and technologies, making them ideal choices for anyone looking to elevate their home audio system. With Bluetooth connectivity, powerful subwoofers, Smart Sound technology, and multiple sound modes, these soundbars offer versatility, performance, and style, creating an unforgettable auditory experience. Whether you are a movie buff, music enthusiast, or gaming aficionado, these soundbars are designed to exceed your expectations.