Если микропроцессор печи реагирует на помехи, показания дисплея могут быть сброшены. Для решения данной проблемы отсоедините вилку сетевого шнура от розетки, и затем вновь вставьте ее в розетку. Вновь установите время.

Если с помощью описанных выше инструкций не удалось устранить проблему, обратитесь в местный центр по обслуживанию клиентов компании SAMSUNG.

Ознакомьтесь со следующими сведениями.

Номер модели и серийный номер обычно указаны на задней панели микроволновой печи.

Подробные сведения о гарантии

Подробное описание проблемы

Затем обратитесь к местному дилеру или в службу послепродажного обслуживания компании SAMSUNG.

С￿￿￿￿￿ «￿￿ ￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿» ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿

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Компания SAMSUNG постоянно совершенствует свою продукцию. Характеристики устройства и настоящая инструкция могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления.


ME731KR, ME732KR, ME733KR



Источник питания

230 В — 50 Гц



Потребление электроэнергии


Микроволновая печь

1150 Вт



Производимая мощность

100 Вт / 800 Вт (IEC-705)



Рабочая частота

2450 МГц







Метод охлаждения

Двигатель вентилятора



Размеры (Ш x В x Г)



489 x 275 x 320 мм

Внутренняя камера печи

330 x 211 x 309 мм




20 литров






прибл. 11,5 кг



оборудование класса I


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Samsung ME731KR-L/BWT manual Технические Характеристики, Оборудование класса, Модель ME731KR, ME732KR, ME733KR

ME731KR-L/BWT specifications

The Samsung ME731KR-L/BWT microwave oven is a blend of modern technology and sleek design, offering a variety of features tailored for the contemporary kitchen. With a capacity of 20 liters, this microwave is ideal for small families or individuals who need a versatile cooking solution.

One of the standout features of the ME731KR-L/BWT is its advanced ceramic enamel interior. This finish not only facilitates easy cleaning but also protects the interior from scratches and bacteria, making it a hygienic choice. The smooth surface can be wiped clean effortlessly, allowing users to maintain a clean cooking environment with minimal effort.

Equipped with 11 power levels, the Samsung ME731KR-L/BWT offers precise cooking options for a variety of dishes. Whether you are reheating leftovers, defrosting meat, or preparing a complex meal, these multiple power settings provide the flexibility needed to achieve optimal results. The microwave also features a quick defrost function, which is particularly useful for handling frozen items quickly and efficiently.

In terms of cooking modes, the Samsung ME731KR-L/BWT includes various preset options such as popcorn, pizza, and baked potatoes, taking the guesswork out of cooking. These auto-cook programs ensure that food is prepared perfectly by automatically adjusting the cooking time and power level based on the selected item.

The microwave oven's sleek and stylish design complements any kitchen decor. Its compact size does not compromise on functionality, allowing it to fit neatly on countertops without occupying excessive space. Moreover, the user-friendly control panel is designed for simplicity, featuring clearly marked buttons and an easy-to-read display.

Another advantageous characteristic of the Samsung ME731KR-L/BWT is its energy-saving mode. When not in use, the microwave can be set to this mode, helping to reduce energy consumption and lower electricity bills.

With a combination of practicality, advanced features, and efficient design, the Samsung ME731KR-L/BWT microwave oven stands out as a reliable choice for those seeking both convenience and performance in their kitchen appliance. Its blend of technology and user-centric design makes it a valuable addition to any household, catering to a range of cooking needs effectively.