
Using the Help system

Your microwave offers helpful instructions for many procedures.

1 When you need feature information and helpful hints, press the Help Screen button and then press the button that you want to get information on. Help information is available in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese). The “HELP” indicator appears in the display while you are using this feature.

Using the Instant Cook Buttons

1 Press the Instant Cook button corresponding to the food you are cooking Popcorn, for example}.

The display shows the first serving size:

2 Press the button repeatedly to select the serving size you want. The display will cycle through all available serving sizes. Once you select the correct serving size, the microwave will begin cooking auto- matically.

If you don’t need to read all the MENU options, simply press the Start button to begin cooking.

Instant Cook Chart





Popcorn3.5 oz

• Use one microwave-only bag


3.0-3.5 ozof popcorn.


1.75 oz

• Use caution when removing


1.5-1.75 oz

and opening hot bag from



Potato1 EA

• Prick each potato several


2 EAtimes with fork.


3 EA

• Place on turntable in spoke-


4 EAlike fashion.


5 EA

• Remove from oven, wrap in


6 EAfoil and let stand 3-5 min.
Fresh1 cup

• Place the vegetables into a

Vegetables2 cups

casserole and add a small


3 cups

amount of water(2-4 Tbsp).


4 cups

Cover during cooking and stir



before standing.




Frozen7-10 oz

• Remove package from outer

Dinner10-12 oz

wrapping and follow package


12-18 oz

instructions for covering and



standing. After cooking, let



stand 1-3 min.
Diet Cook

7-10 oz


(Low Calorie

10-12 oz


Frozen Dinner)

12-18 oz





Baby Food2.5 oz

• Remove lid from baby food


4 oz

and heat (heating time is very


6 oz

short). Check temperature



and stir well before serving.



• The More/Less key cannot be



used with the baby food key.





2-4 oz

• Remove package from outer

Breakfast4-6 oz

wrapping and follow package


6-8 oz

instructions for covering and



standing. After cooking, let



stand 1-3 min.




Operation 9