start you Before

Before you start

There is some basic information that you should know before going directly to a cooking recipe. Before or during any cooking mode, you can set/change the clock or the kitchen timer to your needs.

Current time

It is important to set the correct clock time to ensure correct automatic operations. The time can be displayed in either the 24- hour (default) or 12-hour notation. You must set the clock.





To display the time in the 12-hour / 24-

01 03





hour notation.










Press the Clock button and the 0 button






at the same time for 1 second.






Time setting that you want to change






(12Hr or 24Hr) will be displayed.






If you want to change the notation






again, press the Number buttons.






For example, press 1 for 12Hr or press





2 for 24 Hr notation.






Press the START button to confirm your















To set the current time,










Press Clock.










Use the number buttons to enter the






current time. For example, press 5, 0,






and 0 in sequence for 5:00 o’clock.






Press START to confirm your settings.






Then, the colon (:) indicator blinks






several times.

Power saving

To reduce power consumption when not using the oven, use the power saving function of the oven.

• To activate power saving, press Eco to turn off the display.

• To deactivate power saving, open the door or press Eco again. The display turns back on with the current time.

18  English

MS32J5133AT_ZA DE68-04345E-01_EN.indd 18



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