Samsung RSH5SBPN1/BWT, RSH5SLMR1/BWT, RSH5ZLMR1/BWT Sovutgich Eshiklarini Qayta Joyiga Qotirish


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Sovutgich eshigini chiqarib olish

1.Eshik yopiq turganda yuqori oshiq-moshiq ustki qismini 1 otvyortka yordamida chiqarib oling.


2.Oshiq-moshiq murvatlarini 2 va yerga ulangan sim murvatini 3 soat mili yurishiga qarshi aylantirib, chiqarib oling va yuqori oshiq-moshiqni

4 chiqarib oling. Eshikni chiqarib olayotganda ustingizga tushib ketmasligi uchun ehtiyot bo'ling




3.Eshikni pastki oshiq-moshiqdan 5 tepaga tikka ko'tarish 6 bilan chiqarib oling.


sovutgichni turishi rejalashtirilgan joyga o'rnatganingizdan so'ng eshiklarini qaytarib joyiga qotirish vaqti keldi.

Muzlatkich eshigini qayta joyiga qo'yish

1.Suv liniyasini 1 eshikning quyi burchagiga, so'ngra quyi oshiq-moshiq teshigiga 2 qayta kiritish bilan muzlatkich eshigini qayta joyiga qo'ying.

Suv liniyasini pastga buklangan joylari qolmaguncha ehtiyot bo'lib torting.



2.Yuqori oshiq-moshiq o'qini 3 muzlatkich eshigi burchagidagi teshikka 4 kiriting.

Yuqori oshiq-moshiq teshigi 5 bilan shkaf teshigi 6 bir darajada ekaniga ishonch hosil qiling va oshiq-moshiq murvatlari 7 bilan yerga ulangan sim murvatini 8 soat mili yurisi bo'ylab burab, qayta joyiga qotiring.

Simlarni qayta ulang.



4.Quyi oshiq-moshiqni yuqoriga ehtiyotkorona ko'tarish bilan quyi oshiq-moshiqni 7 kronshteyndan 8 chiqarib oling.

14_ o'rnatish







3.Yuqori oshiq-moshiq 9 oldidagi yuqori oshiq- moshiq ustining oldingi qismini 10 qo'ying va uni murvat bilan qayta joyiga qotiring.



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15. 5. 12. ￿￿ 9:08

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Samsung RSH5SBPN1/BWT, RSH5SLMR1/BWT manual Sovutgich Eshiklarini Qayta Joyiga Qotirish, Sovutgich eshigini chiqarib olish


Samsung’s range of refrigerators has long been synonymous with innovation and quality, and the models RSH5SLBG1/BWT, RSH5SLMR1/BWT, RSH5ZLMR1/BWT, and RSH5SBPN1/BWT exemplify this reputation. These refrigerator models incorporate advanced features and technologies designed to enhance convenience while ensuring optimal food preservation.

A standout characteristic of these models is their spacious design. With generous storage capacities, these refrigerators can accommodate large grocery hauls and multiple food items with ease. The multi-air flow system ensures that cool air is distributed evenly throughout the refrigerator, maintaining consistent temperatures in every compartment. This feature is instrumental in keeping food fresher for longer.

Another notable technology featured in these Samsung models is the Digital Inverter Compressor. This innovation not only enhances energy efficiency but also reduces noise, ensuring a quieter kitchen environment. The compressor’s ability to adjust its speed according to cooling demands helps minimize energy consumption, making it an environmentally friendly choice for consumers.

The Ice Maker feature offers on-demand ice production, allowing users to enjoy chilled beverages at any time. The water dispenser, conveniently located on the front, provides filtered water for added convenience. The easy-access design helps ensure that both ice and water are readily available without opening the refrigerator door, which further contributes to energy efficiency.

Samsung's advanced cooling technology helps to maintain the nutritional quality of food. The Twin Cooling Plus System maintains separate airflow for the refrigerator and freezer compartments, preventing the mixing of odors and preserving the moisture levels, significantly enhancing the preservation of fruits and vegetables.

The design aesthetics of these models are equally impressive. They are crafted with sleek exteriors and stylish finishes that can complement any modern kitchen décor. Interior features such as adjustable shelving and door bins offer flexibility in organization, making it easy to store items of various sizes and shapes.

In summary, the Samsung RSH5SLBG1/BWT, RSH5SLMR1/BWT, RSH5ZLMR1/BWT, and RSH5SBPN1/BWT refrigerators combine spaciousness with innovative features to deliver superior performance. With technologies focused on food preservation, energy efficiency, and user convenience, these models set a high bar for modern refrigeration solutions. Their blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal makes them a worthwhile addition to any home, catering to the needs of families and individuals alike.