
Find: search for text, numbers, or addresses the web page may contain. You can use the numbers and addresses to call, send messages, open web pages, or create new contacts

Settings: change the browser settings

Change browser settings

From the browser, press <Options> Settings to access the following:

General: set access point, homepage, history, security, and Java options

Page: set options for loading and displaying web content

Privacy: set bookmark and cookie options

Web feeds: set the page to update automatically

Add a bookmark

1.In Standby mode, press [] Web.

2.Press <Options> Bookmark manager Add bookmark.

3.Enter the bookmark name, address, and access point, as well as a user name and password if desired.

4.Press <Options> Save.

Use a bookmark

While browsing, you can also access bookmarks (see "Add a bookmark" ￿ p. 50). Press <Options> Bookmarks to access the following:

Icon Description

Homepage (Start page)

Folder of automatic bookmarks

Folder you have created

Seamless links folders

Web feed folder
