
DNS addresses (IPv6): set primary and secondary domain name server (DNS) addresses or set to Automatic (use automatic detection) or Well-known (use well-known IPv6 addresses)

Proxy server address: set the IP address of the proxy server

Proxy port number: set the port number of the proxy server

Packet data

Control packet data connections when using a GPRS network.

Packet data connection: set to open a packet data connection, When available (anytime a packet data connection on a GPRS network becomes available) or When needed (if an application needs to send packet data)

Access point: set an access point name to send packet data to a PC (see PC Studio help)

Video sharing

Control the use of the video sharing service.

Video sharing: turn the video sharing service on or off

SIP profile: set the default SIP profile for the video sharing service

Video saving: set to save the videos you are watching while using the video sharing service

Preferred saving memory: set a memory location for saving the videos

Capability alert tone: set the device to sound a tone when the video sharing service is available during a call


Control the presence server settings for using IM. For details, contact your service provider. Set settings for a presence server: Press <Options>

New settings Use default settings.

Server name: set a presence server name

SIP profile: set the default SIP profile for the presence server