connecting to the internet

Cable/ADSL Modem

IP Router or HUB



Direct LAN (Fixed/Static IP)




Data Line :

Video Line :


1.Connect LAN cable of Cable/ADSL modem or Direct Fixed/Static IP LAN Line to WAN port of IP Router.

. Connect LAN ports of IP Router to Ethernet port SHR-1041 to be set up and to Ethernet port of Local PC to use during setup.

. Connect Video cable of Camera to Monitor. . Turn on the Monitor power.

￿If you have a Static (Fixed) IP line or Dynamic IP line (Cable Modem or ADSL Modem) with one IP address (whether its dynamic or fixed), but have more than one internet device to use (such as a PC and a SHR-1041 or several SHR-1041); you must use an IP Router (different from a simple Network Hub); You must set up the Router to work with the SHR-1041 and you must use a network capable PC within The local Router network to do the setup.

￿If you are using an existing Router which is already set up, you may not need to redo the basic setup of the Router again, but it is highly recommended that you at least read all the instructions below and go through the steps. Whether you are using an existing Router or a new Router, you must go through the Port Forwarding portion of the setup.

instaLLation ●

English _1