S Health

Tap and use the following functions:

Daily calorie goal: Change your daily calorie intake goal.

My food: Enter the frequently-eaten foods.

Reset daily data: Reset the daily calorie intake data.

Share via: Send the current page to others.

Settings: Configure settings for S Health.

User manual: View more information about using this feature.

Use the calorie information in Food for personal reference only. The data provided may not be accurate at all times and is subject to change. Some food information may differ from actual calorie levels.

Viewing calorie intake in a graph

Compare your calorie intake records for a period by viewing them in a graph.

On the Food main screen, tap .

Access the S Health menu screen.

View hourly, daily or monthly records in a graph.

View your calorie intake in a graph.

View the logs of your daily calorie intake.

Total calorie intake

Return to the previous screen.