Changing the input signal with external devices

Press the SOURCE button to switch between external devices connected to the TV.

●● Options

To view the options menu, press the down directional button. The functions that appear in the options menu can include any of the following:



The connector names may vary depending on the product.

Edit Device Type: You can change the type of a connected external device. Selects an external device you want. For example, you can select the name PC for a PC connected to an HDMI connection and Blu-rayfor a Blu-ray player connected to another HDMI connection. When you display the source list, the TV displays the name of each connection and the name of the device connected to each connection.

––Edit Name: You can rename devices connected to the TV to facilitate identifying external sources.

––Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC): Displays a list of Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC)-compliant devices that are connected to the TV.

"" This option is only available when Anynet+ (HDMI-CEC)is set to On.

––Information: Displays information about the connected devices.

––Remove USB Device: Removes a USB device connected to the TV.