Making Sports programmes More Realistic with Sports Mode

MENU System Sports Mode Try now

You can use Sports Mode to get optimal picture and sound settings for sports events, making them

appear and sound as if you are there. In addition, if a recording device is connected to the TV when you are using Sports Mode, you can use both the video recording and Timeshift functions at the same

time while watching the sports game, as well as watching the highlights extracted from the recorded sports game automatically or manually.

"" For more information about recording a programme and using a recording device, refer to "Recording Programmes."

"" This function is not available on certain models in specific geographical areas.

"" For more information about the Timeshift function, refer to "Using Timeshift."

Enabling sports mode

MENU System Sports Mode Sports Mode

You can set Sports Mode to On to make the picture and sound modes of the TV optimised automatically for sports events.

"" Enabling Sports Mode changes Picture Mode to Stadium and Sound Mode to Stadium, and disables some Picture and Sound menus.

Choosing the sports type

MENU System Sports Mode Sports Type Try now

You can enjoy optimal picture and sound settings for a selected sports type.

"" This function is not available on certain models in specific geographical areas.