Using the functions available while watching sports in sports mode

You can use the following functions when you press the Enter button in sports mode.

●● Zoom

Pauses the current screen and zooms in any part of the screen by using 4 directional buttons.

"" To launch this function easily, select or press the button.

"" This function is not available when Data Service is active.

●● Manual Highlight

Saves a video from 10 seconds before pressing this button to 10 seconds after.




To launch this function easily, select or press the button.

This function is only available when a recording is in progress.

You can set the TV to automatically save highlights without user intervention. Select MENU System

Sports Mode, and then set Auto Highlights to On.

●● Recording Time

Sets the recording time.

"" This function is only available when a recording is in progress.

●● Stop Recording / Go to Live TV

––Stops a recording when you are watching a live programme.

––Switches to a live programme when you are watching a recorded programme.

"" This function is only available when a recording is in progress.