Recording Programmes

Record a current or upcoming programme using a USB device instead of a video recorder.

The appears next to the recording scheduled programmes and channels.

"" This function is not available on certain models in specific geographical areas.

"" Read all precautions before using the recording feature. Refer to "Before Using the Recording and Timeshift Functions" for more information.

Recording programmes

Press the Select button while watching to display the programme info window. When you press and hold the Select button in the programme info window and then select Record, you can record the programme. Use the left or right directional button to select a broadcast scheduled programme. Then press and hold the Select button. By selecting Timeshift, you can Schedule Recording the programme.

Using schedule recording to record on a specified date and time

Live TV Schedule Manager or Recordings Scheduled Recording

Managing the schedule recording list

Live TV Schedule Manager or Recordings Scheduled Edit

Viewing the detailed information of schedule recording list

Live TV Schedule Manager or Recordings Scheduled View Details

Canceling a schedule recording

Live TV Schedule Manager or Recordings Scheduled Remove