Playing back the Tape | Pfiehrávání záznamu |
DSE in PLAYER mode
✤The procedure for using DSE in PLAYER mode is the same as the procedure for using DSE in CAMERA mode, except that the power switch must be set to PLAYER instead of CAMERA.
Please refer to pages 38 and 39.
Note: The GHOST, STROBE, NEG., MIRROR, MOSA- IC, CINEMA and 16:9(WIDE) effects will not oper- ate when your camcorder is in PLAYER mode.
✤Pressing the DSE button will scroll through the avail- able settings.
Stop at the one you require.
✤PouÏití DSE v reÏimu PLAYER je stejné jako pouÏití v reÏimu CAMERA - viz str. 38 - 39, pouze funkãní pfiepínaã musí b˘t nastaven na reÏim PLAYER, nikoli
Poznámka: Funkce GHOST, STROBE, NEG., MIRROR, MOSAIC, CINEMA a 16:9(WIDE) reÏimu DSE nebudou v reÏimu PLAYER pracovat.
✤Tisknutím tlaãítka DSE budete rolovat mezi dostupn˘mi nastaveními.
Zastavte na tom nastavení, které poÏadujete.
Cleaning and Taking care of the Camcorder
âi‰tûní a údrÏba videorekordéru
Cleaning the Viewfinder
◆Releasing the Eyepiece
1. | Pull the viewfinder up and then | 1 |
| turn the screw |
| wise. |
2. | Pull the EYEPIECE away from |
| the viewfinder. |
3. | Clean the EYEPIECE and the |
| VIEWFINDER screen with a soft |
| cloth and cotton swab or a blower. | 3 |
| ◆ Reattaching the Eyepiece | |
| |
4. | Reposition the EYEPIECE back |
| on the VIEWFINDER. |
5. | Insert and tighten the screw. |
âi‰tûní hledáãku
◆DemontáÏ oãnice hledáãku
1.Zvednûte hledáãek a potom jím otoãte proti smûru hodinov˘ch ruãiãek.
2.Sejmûte oãnici hledáãku.
3.Vyãistûte oãnici a matnici hledáãku jemn˘m hadfiíkem, ‰tûteãkem nebo vyfoukáním.
◆Zpûtná montáÏ oãnice hledáãku
4.PfiiloÏte oãnici na hledáãek.
5.Na‰roubujte ji zpût.