

13 mm


(1/2 in.)


Concrete Block Mounting


CAUTION: For concrete block walls, install the fasteners into the face of

the block. Ensure the anchors seat flush with the block.


CAUTION: Do not over-tighten the lag bolts [04]. Tighten the lag bolts [04]

only until the washers [05] are pulled against the wall plate [01].


CAUTION: Any material covering the wall must not exceed 16 mm (5/8 in.).


Montage sur béton plein ou blocs en béton


ATTENTION: En las paredes de bloques de hormigón, instale los soportes

en la cara del bloque. Asegúrese de que los anclajes queden nivelados con el bloque.

ATTENTION: Ne pas trop serrer les boulons tire-fond [04]. Serrez les tire-fond [04] uniquement jusqu’à ce que les rondelles [05] soient appuyées contre la plaque murale [01].


ATTENTION: Tout matériel couvrant le mur ne doit pas excéder 16 mm.


Montage an massivem Beton und Betonblöcken


VORSICHT: Bei Betonsteinmauern drehen Sie die Schrauben in den Beton-

block. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Dübel bündig mit dem Block abschließen.

VORSICHT: Ziehen Sie die Ankerschrauben [04] nicht zu fest an. Ziehen Sie die Ankerschrauben [04] nur so weit an, bis die Unterlegscheiben [05] fest an der Wandplatte [01] anliegen.


VORSICHT: Jegliches Material, das die Decke bedeckt, darf 16 mm nicht



Montaje sobre hormigón o bloques de hormigón

PRECAUCIÓN: Pour les murs de parpaing, installer les fixations sur l’avant du parpaing. Assurez-vous que les fixations affleurent celui-ci.

PRECAUCIÓN: No apriete excesivamente los pernos [04]. Apriete los pernos [04] sólo hasta que las arandelas [05] hagan tope contra la placa para la pared [01].


PRECAUCIÓN: Cualquier material que recubra la pared no debe superar los

16 mm (5/8 pulg.)


Montagem em betão sólido e construções de blocos de con-


CUIDADO: Per le pareti in blocchi di calcestruzzo, installare gli elementi di fissaggio nel corpo del blocco. Assicurarsi che i tasselli siano inseriti a livello dei blocchi di calcestruzzo.

CUIDADO: Não apertar os parafusos sextavados em excesso [04]. Apertar os parafusos sextavados [04] apenas até que as anilhas [05] sejam encostadas à placa de parede [01].

CUIDADO: Qualquer material que cubra a parede não deve exceder os 16 mm (5/8 pol.).


Installatie op beton en betonblokken


LET OP: Para paredes em blocos de cimento, montar os fixadores na face

do bloco. Ter a certeza que os pontos de fixação ficam bem alinhados com o bloco.

LET OP: Draai de schroeven niet te strak aan [04]. Draai de schroeven [04] slechts aan totdat de ringen [05] tegen de muurplaat worden geduwd [01].


LET OP: Materiaal op de muur mag niet dikker zijn dan 16 mm.


Installazione su calcestruzzo e blocchi di calcestruzzo

PRECAUZIONE: Voor muren van cementblokken, plaats de schroeven in de voorkant van het blok. De ankers dienen helemaal in het blok te worden geplaatst.

PRECAUZIONE: Non serrare eccessivamente le viti [04]. Serrare le viti [04] solo fino a quando le rondelle [05] vengono tirate contro la piastra a muro [01].

PRECAUZIONE: Lo spessore del materiale di rivestimento della parete non deve superare i 16 mm (5/8 pollice).


Τοποθέτηση σε Συμπαγές Τσιμέντο και Τσιμεντόλιθους.


ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Beton kalıp duvarlar için, birleştirme elemanlarını bloğun

yüzüne yerleştirin. Dübellerin bloklara çıkıntısız olarak oturduğundan emin olun.

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Μη βιδώνετε τους κοχλίες υπερβολικά σφιχτά [04]. Βιδώστε τους κοχλίες [04] μόνο έως ότου οι δακτύλιοι [05] να τραβηχτούν πάνω στην πλακέτα τοίχου [01].


ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Οποιοδήποτε υλικό που καλύπτει τον τοίχο δεν πρέπει να

υπερβαίνει τα 16 mm (5/8 in.).


Montering i betong og betongblokker

FORSIKTIG: Για τοίχους με τσιμεντόλιθους, εγκαταστήστε τους σφιγκτήρες στην πρόσοψη του λίθου. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι τα αγκύρια είναι επίπεδα με τον τσιμεντόλιθο.

FORSIKTIG: Ikke trekk sekskantboltene for hardt til [04]. Trekk sekskant-

boltene [04] til bare så hardt at stoppskivene [05] trekkes inntil veggplaten [01].


FORSIKTIG: Kledningen på veggen må ikke være mer enn 16 mm tykk.


Montage i beton og betonblokke


FORSIGTIGHED: При монтаже на бетонной стене установите

крепежные детали в облицовку. Убедитесь, что фиксаторы установлены заподлицо.

FORSIGTIGHED: Undgå at overspænde mellemboltene [04]. Spænd kun mellemboltene [04], indtil spændeskiverne [05] er trukket helt ind mod vægpladen [01].


FORSIGTIGHED: Eventuel vægbeklædning må højst være 16 mm tyk.


Montering på vägg av betong eller betongblock

OBSERVERA: Hvis væggen består af betonblokke, skal du fastgøre be- slagene i blokkens forside. Sørg for, at ankrene flugter helt med blokken.

OBSERVERA: Spänn inte de franska träskruvarna överdrivet mycket [04]. Spänn endast de franska träskruvarna [04] tills skruvbrickorna [05] pressas mot väggplattan [01].


OBSERVERA: Eventuella material som täcker väggen får inte överskrida 16

mm (5/8 tum).


Установка из бетона и бетонных блоков


ОСТОРОЖНО!: Montera fästena mitt i ett block om väggen är byggd av

cementblock. Kontrollera att inte plastpluggarna sticker ut utanför blocket.

ОСТОРОЖНО!: Не следует слишком сильно затягивать шурупы [04]. Затягивайте болты с квадратными головками [04] только до тех пор, пока шайбы [05] не будут подтянуты к настенному креплению [01].


ОСТОРОЖНО!: Толщина покрытия стены не должна превышать 16 мм.


Montaż na ścianie z betonu lub bloczków betonowych


UWAGA: For betongvegger settes festeskruene inn i forsiden av blokken.

Pass på at ankrene sitter jevnt med blokken.

UWAGA: Wkrętów montażowych [04] nie należy dokręcać za mocno. Śruby [04] należy dokręcać tylko do momentu dociśnięcia podkładek [05] do płyty ściennej [01].


UWAGA: Grubość materiału stanowiącego pokrycie ściany nie może

przekraczać 16 mm (5/8 cala).


Montáž do betonu nebo betonového panelu

POZOR: Umieszczając łączniki w ścianach z pustaków, umieścić je w ściance pustaka. Upewnić się, że punkt zaczepienia jest na tym samym pozi- omie, co powierzchnia bloku.

POZOR: Nadměrně neutahujte kotvicí šrouby [04]. Kotvicí šrouby [04] utahujte jen do té míry, než se podložky [05] dotknou nástěnné desky [01].

POZOR: Tloušťka prvků připevněných ke stěně nesmí přesáhnout 16 mm.

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Sanus Systems ML22 manual Montaje sobre hormigón o bloques de hormigón, Installatie op beton en betonblokken

ML22 specifications

The Sanus Systems ML22 is a versatile and innovative TV mount designed for consumers who demand both functionality and style. This product is particularly distinct due to its capability to support larger TVs, making it a popular choice for modern living spaces. With a weight capacity of up to 100 pounds, it accommodates various TV sizes, generally ranging from 37 to 70 inches, presenting a wide selection for homeowners seeking an optimal viewing experience.

One of the standout features of the Sanus ML22 is its full-motion mount capability. This allows for an extension of up to 22 inches, providing an impressive range of motion that includes tilting and swiveling. Users can tilt the TV down by up to 15 degrees and swivel it side to side by up to 90 degrees, granting flexibility in viewing angles. This feature is especially beneficial in rooms where seating arrangements might limit direct viewing of the TV.

Installation is straightforward, thanks to the innovative design that includes a wall plate equipped with pre-set mounting holes. The included mounting template streamlines the installation process, allowing users to accurately align their mounts without hassle. After installation, the mount features post-installation leveling adjustments, making it easy to achieve the perfect orientation.

Sanus Systems integrates technology into the ML22 for user convenience. The mount includes cable management channels that help to eliminate unsightly wires, keeping your entertainment area free from clutter and contributing to an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Durability is another notable characteristic of the Sanus ML22. Constructed from high-grade steel, it provides stability and peace of mind, ensuring that your investment is secured on the wall. Additionally, it comes with a lifetime warranty that reflects the manufacturers' confidence in their product's quality and longevity.

Overall, the Sanus Systems ML22 epitomizes a perfect blend of functionality, design, and durability, much sought after in today’s home entertainment setups. Its full-motion capabilities, easy installation, and smart cable management make it a highly recommended option for anyone looking to enhance their viewing experience. Whether you're watching the big game or streaming your favorite series, this mount offers the flexibility and stability to turn your living room into a true entertainment hub.