System Setup (Setup) (Continued)

DEnabling (stopping or starting settings)1Click the [Enabling] tab.2Check the functions to turn ON.

Uncheck the functions to turn OFF, leaving them blank.

Setup Matrix/Dvr/Mux

Enables display of the video equipment menu.

Setup Telemetry

Enables display of the camera menu.


Enables automatic operation of dome cameras.

Mon/Dvr/Mux change

Enables changing DVR-MUX address.


Enables changing zoom, focus, and iris values for connected cameras.


Enables Aux operation of connected cameras.


Enables wipers and washers, special functions of connected cameras.

Map Environment

Displays a user-created map when power is turned ON.



Enables joystick operation.

Camera Up/Down

Moves camera input channel up and down. (Function only available when matrix multiplexer is connected.)

Address change

Enables changing the camera address for a hard disk digital recorder channel. When ON, a camera icon is displayed in the upper left of the camera address screen.



3Make the various selections.

To make other settings, switch using the tabs and continue operation.

To save settings in the PC, on the “File” menu select “Save”.

When selecting “Send to keyboard” on the “File” menu, the system setup content is uploaded to the unit.
