8 Hawk 1LP Family Installation Guide, Rev. D
Installation Overview
Installation of the drive can be divided into distinct phases. Some of these may not be applicable to all system installation requirements. Refer to the indi- vidual drive installation sections for specific information on your drive model.
•Drive configuration: Select those drive features that are appropriate to install the drive in the system. This is done by installing or removing user configura- tion jumpers found on the drive PCB.
•Mechanical installation: After setting up the drive configuration the drive must be mechanically in- stalled into the host system and the power and I/O cables attached. Previously mentioned precautions should be observed.
•CMOS configuration: SCSI drives should not be defined in the CMOS. The SCSI host adapter uses its own BIOS to handle the Input/Output procedures. The CMOS setting for SCSI drive is either drive type zero, or the no drive installed option.