2.The camera will set the focus on the subject located in the center of the picture. Align the square located in the center of the LCD over the subject. Subjects outside this square may not be in focus if they are closer or farther away. The depth of field for
3.The camera’s auto focus system needs light to “see” the subject. In darkness, the camera uses the red focusing light located next to the camera’s flash to illuminate the subject. You can also use another light source, like an underwater flash light, to illuminate the subject.
4.When you push the shutter button _ way, the camera will set the focus and exposure on the subject. The focusing square in the center of the LCD will be blue if the camera has accurately determined the correct shooting distance. If this square is yellow, the camera may not be certain of the exact shooting distance and will use a best estimate.
5.The Shark mode has been enabled but the shooting distance has changed. To correctly use the Shark mode, aim the camera at the subject and push the OK button. The camera will lock the focus on the subject. A Shark icon will appear on the LCD indicating the Shark mode is enabled. If you change your shooting distance, you must reset the Shark mode. Push the OK button again to disable the Shark mode.
6.Update the camera firmware to version 107 PIE3. This is available for free download on our website –
Q – The DC500 camera does not easily attach to the SeaLife Flash accessory.
A – Make sure to remove the original flash deflector from the flash base (See picture below). The DC500 uses the Flash Link adapter and optical cable to fire the External Flash. The deflector attached to the flash base is used for other SeaLife camera models.
Q – The SeaLife Flash does not fire AT ALL when connected to my DC500. A – There are a few important steps that will ensure the External Flash fires:
1. Set DC500 camera to Ext Flash mode.