Congratulations on your purchase of ttne Eclipse TM ! O00HR Elliptical Trainer You lnave selected one of tfne most advanced, durable and convenient aerobic exercise products on the market today With the Eclipse t 000HR. you can get the physiological and tectnnical benefits of ttealtt7 club models at an incredible value Whether you are inter- ested in weight control, strengthening your heart and lungs, toning rnuscles or a com- bination of tllese, the Eclipse t000HR Elliptical Trainer can help you aclnieve your goals
To give you the best fitness results, aerobic equipment should be simple, fun and
t 000HR will fit in any home or apartment and time transportation wheels make it easy to maneuver and store
Just one hour a week - three twenty minute sessions - is all it takes to begin experienc- ing the healtln benefits of aerobic exercise Witln regular use of your Eclipse 1000HR Elliptical Trainer, you may soon notice some important ctaanges in yourself, such as.
=More endurance and stamina
Less body fat and excess weight (if you do not increase your caloric intake)
=Improved muscle tone in both your upper and lower body
•Increased energy for daily tasks
•Less stress and a more positive outlook
And if you increase your exercise program to 20
We want you to be completely satisfied with your Eclipse 1000HR Elliptical Trainer tf during the course of using your Eclipse 1000HR you have any questions or concerns, please write or call our Customer Service Specialists at the address or plmone number listed below As always, we wish you success in your fitness goals
Karta Williamson, Customer Sen,ice Manager
Eclipse 1O00HR, Customer Service Departrnent
t 71 Fitness Quest Plaza, Canton, OH 44750 t 001
IMPORTANT: This owner_ manual is the authoritative source of information about your Eclipse 1O00HR. Please read it carefully and follow all the instructions,