?/.ARNING:_To reduce the riskof serious'lnjury;,read the following important precautions_f_)_;





1; ItlSihe!_esponslbllity:ofthe,bwnerto.ensure

7. Never allow hi0re:than one Derson on the

th=i_a [ _e_:of_e_C6F.p._O

PRO_are_aa_ =

CARDiO: PRO =:at_itlm_e_

:quate y_Infb_e._l_.f._l p_a._.!_






Flotliing_!_en_exe_Islng P;_

=:2, Readall_Jns_ctlona:_In.:th

s manual:;before!

do not wear:!oose:cloth]ng_that:coulcl_'_-;_

3.iP a_e the!CARDIO PRO 0na level surface; iCoVer thefi_or be_bath the CA_DIOPRo, t0

nrnt___ttl_ fi_r!Or _al'i_et-:_

4;_:lnspectand bghten'all_parts regularly; Replace any worn parts immediately.

5.,;: Keep Small (_hildren.and :pets awav from the CARDi0 PR;d:_t ali _imes::

9:.; After adjust[Eg the p0sitibn of the's_bt,pbsh _ o_ the seatlto _ake sure that the:seatiknob_ is bngaged in_one of tl_e holes Inill_ _eat :. fr_;me. Do not use the CARDIO PRO unless _ ! the seat Is b_eurely, locked: in _posit!on_

!0. Always keep your back straight when using the C/_RDIO I_RO. Do not archlyour back.

11. -Ifyou feel pain or dizziness while exei'cislng,I

6.::: _e:CARDIO pRO'_hodidlnot be used by .i; stud immediatelv and beoin coolina clown.:; Ders_>ns:weiclhinq moPe=tllan 250 I_unds,

WARNING:_Before begir_ning_thl_ or,an_ exerci_)gra_:';,i._:_._;al_,._

__,,_._._:_,. ;_ _.-._,_t w_, ,_:.,._-_;_=___.. .-j____,_ e_l_._ _

_mportanz tor_persons over,me age ox._ or:persons _wgn:Pre-exmangnea=m proumms< _yap,_ :"::_, instructionsbefore using. SEARS assu_e_'no responsiblllty:for personal inju_,o[ prope_ _amag_

sustained by.or_hmugh _th_e.use:of _thiS_


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Sears 831.28782 user manual PROi, Important Precautions