When you succeed to run the whole distance in 1P mode in any course, the password screen will be displayed. Make a note of the password shown in the screen and send it to the Home Page exclusive for this game, and you can enter in the world ranking register. You can skip this screen by pressing the START button. The Home Page will be open in May 2000. Opera- tion and maintenance in the second year and thereafter are undecided, however.
URL: http://www.sega.co.jp/racer/

Waiting for a participant
Course select
POD select
For communication vs. play
Name entry
Finished the EXPERT course in the 1st position in 1P play
End credit
Finished within the 3rd position in 1P play, or
In case of
Name entry
Rank display
When finishing the
game within the 3rd
Password display position in the single mode.
Game over
You can skip the items enclosed with a dotted line in the above chart with the START button.