256出力CH設定/ Output channel select出力CHをCHに設定します。
Select CHasoutput channel.
【 入力時の注意 】
CH1のみ出力 : [CH]
CH2のみ出力 : [CH]
CH1・2両方出力 : [CH]
出力なし : [CH ](表示なし)
[Precautions on dataentry]
The following four combinationsof outputs are available:
CH1 output only :[CH]
CH2 output only :[CH]
Output from both CH1 andCH2 : [CH]
No output : [CH ](no indication)
7出力時間設定/ Output duration select出力時間を0h00m50sに設定します。
Select theoutput duration at 0h00m50s.
【 入力時の注意 】
[Precautions on dataentry]
The output duration can be selected within the range of 1
second to 24 hours.
The output duration should be made a little longer than the
playing time of the music piece.
8決定/ Setting設定内容を確認した後、決定を押します。
After making sure that the data items selected are correct,
press the SET button.
① 曜日が設定されていますか?
② メロディNo.が設定されていますか?
③ 出力CHが設定されていますか?
④ 出力時間が0h00m00s になっていませんか?
If there are any data items yet to be selected, the entire
LCD screenwill flash. Againcheck the data items selected.
①Are the days of the weekselected?
②Is Melody No. selected?
③Are output channelsselected?
④Isn't the outputduration selected at 0h00m00s?
9設定終了/ End of settingモードスイッチを通常に戻します。
Turn theMODE switch back to NORMAL.
Unless the MODE switch is selected at NORMAL, the
program will notwork.
To abort programming ("3. Day-of-the-week select"
through "7. Output duration select") halfway, press the
CANCEL button.
By pressing the MELODY TEST button during
programming,you can play a melody being selected.