Sentry Industries Sentry 2.0 Non-Interrupting Error Messages, Terminating Error Messages

Models: Sentry 2.0

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Chapter 7

Error Messages

Error messages are accompanied by an alarm.

Non-interrupting messages do not stop the firing. Ter- minating error messages do.

FTC, FTH, LTdE, and HTdE error messages are based upon the setting in the Temperature Deviation (TEdE) option. See page 20.

For detailed diagnostics and maintenance, see “Sentry Trouble Shooter,” a separate publication.


Error Messages

Press ENTER to silence the alarm. (Do not press stop to silence the alarm.) The error message will remain but the kiln will continue firing.

FTC / Failed to Cool

During a cooling ramp, the kiln cannot cool as quickly as programmed. The temperature is above the deviation setting. (See Temperature Deviation, page 20.)

Program a slower cooling rate.

FTH / Failed to Heat

During a heating ramp, the kiln cannot heat as quickly as programmed. The temperature is below the deviation setting. (See Temperature Deviation, page 20.)

Check for worn or burned out elements, defective relays, low voltage and defective thermocouple. Program a slower rate.

LTdE / Low Temperature Deviation

During a ramp or a hold, the temperature is below the de- viation setting.

Check for worn or burned out elements, defective relays, low voltage and defective thermocouple.

PF / Power Failure

PF alternating with normal display means the power failed during firing. After power was restored, the firing re- sumed.

Terminating Error


BAdP / Bad Programming

This message appears when a Ramp-Hold firing has been programmed with 0 rate in the first segment.

ETH / Electronics Too Hot

The circuit board temperature is above 185°F/85°C.

Open windows and use a fan to circulate air in the room before firing the kiln or furnace. If you have more than one kiln in the room, place them farther apart. Never allow the firing room temperature to exceed 110°F/43°C. (Measure room temperature three feet away from the kiln.)

FAIL / Thermocouple Failure

Defective Thermocouple

Disconnected Thermocouple Lead Wires

Defective Board

Electrical Noise

FTL / Firing Too Long

The temperature rise is less than 27°F/15°C per hour and the firing time is four hours longer than the current seg- ment was programmed to fire.

Check for worn or burned out elements, defective relays, low voltage and defective thermocouple.

HTdE / High Temperature Deviation

During a ramp or a hold, the temperature is above the de- viation setting.

Check for a stuck relay.

PF 2 / Power Failure

The power failed. The kiln temperature was below 212°F/100°C when the power came back on.

The kiln will not resume firing.

PF 3 / Power Failure

This message appears when two conditions are met:

1The power failed during the final segment of a Cone-Fire firing. Or, the power failed during the fi- nal segment of a Ramp-Hold firing that included a 108°F/60°C rate in the final segment.

2The temperature dropped 72°F/40°C while the power was off.

The kiln will not resume firing.


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Sentry Industries Sentry 2.0 operating instructions Non-Interrupting Error Messages, Terminating Error Messages