Sentry Industries Sentry 2.0 How the Sentry Handles Power Failures, Plog Error Codes

Models: Sentry 2.0

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How the Sentry

Handles Power Failures

The Sentry handles a power failure in two ways:

1After a brief power failure, the controller continues firing as before. It shows a normal temperature dis- play alternating with PF .

2After an extended power failure, PF 2 or PF 3 will appear. The kiln will NOT resume firing.

The controller will resume the firing after a brief power failure provided these conditions are met:

The temperature must be above 212°F/100°C when the power comes back on.

A Ramp-Hold programmed with a rate of 108°F/60°C in the final segment: if power failed in the final segment, the temperature dropped less than 72°F/40°C.

Cone-Fire: if power failed in the final segment, the tem- perature dropped less than 72°F/40°C.

When the Sentry aborts a firing after a power failure, the display will show the following:

PF 2 or PF 3

Total firing time before power failed

Temperature at the time of power failure

Current kiln temperature

To resume firing, press ENTER. The kiln will begin firing again from its present temperature. For example, the kiln reached 1000°F/538°C when power failed. The temperature is 800°F/426°C when you turn the kiln back on. Firing will re- sume from 800°F/426°C. You need not cool the kiln to room temperature before starting a ceramic firing over unless you decide to use new witness cones.

When you resume firing by pressing ENTER, the control- ler begins firing in the first segment with a temperature higher than the current kiln temperature. However, if the power failed during a ramping down (cooling) segment, the controller will resume firing from the same cooling segment.

Using Ceramic Shelf Cones After an Extended Power Failure

The firing was interrupted more than 100°F/56°C from the terminal temperature: Fire the ware again. It is okay to use the same partially fired witness cones, even if they cooled back down to room temperature. So long as the cones did not heat to within 100°F/56°C of ma- turity, they can be used again.

The firing was interrupted less than 100°F/56°C from the terminal temperature: Fire the ware again. If the kiln shuts off within 100°F/55°C of maturity, and the temperature drops 50°F/28°C or more after the kiln shuts off, do not depend on the witness cones. Once they cool 50°F/28°C after they have been heated to within 100°F/55°C of maturity, they will not bend properly. This is because they form a hard shell.

PLOG Error Codes

A PLOG error code means that the controller failed a self-diagnostic test. A chattering, noisy relay, low voltage, and the wrong relay type can cause a PLOG error. The con- troller will not operate while a PLOG message appears.

PLOG 3 / Memory Corruption

Resets the Sentry to factory default settings.

PLOG 4 / Configuration Corruption

Return the Sentry to the factory after a PLOG 4 code.

PLOG 5 / Firmware Problem

PLOG 6 / Software Problem

PLOG 7, 8, 9 / Non-Volatile Memory Problem PLOG 10 / Program Storage Problem

PLOG 11 / Bad Thermocouple Signal for 60 seconds

Clearing a PLOG 11 Error Code

PLOG 11 indicates that a thermocouple is about to fail or that electrical noise is affecting the thermocouple.

Try moving the thermocouple lead wires away from nearby electrical wires and relays.

Make sure the bare part of the leads extending from the thermocouple are not touching the kiln case.

Replacing the thermocouple usually clears the PLOG 11 code.

Clearing the Other PLOG Error Codes

Clear the PLOG error code by pressing ENTER.

If pressing ENTER does not clear a PLOG error, turn off power to the kiln for 10 seconds. Repeat if necessary.

After a PLOG error clears, it is okay to fire the kiln again.

TCdE / Uneven Multiple

Zone Temperatures

On a multiple zone kiln, TCdE usually means the thermocouples and elements are improperly wired. A ther- mocouple is turning on the elements to the wrong zone. For instance, if the top thermocouple turns on the bottom ele- ments, the kiln will fire out of balance. When zones are out of balance by 140°F/60°C, TCdE will appear in the display.

Visually compare the wiring of the thermocouples, relays and elements of your kiln to the kiln’s wiring diagram. Also, use the Element Test option shown on page 21.

TCR / Thermocouple Leads Reversed

Check that the thermocouple lead wires are connected to the correct terminals. See your wiring diagram.


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Sentry Industries Sentry 2.0 How the Sentry Handles Power Failures, Plog Error Codes, TCR / Thermocouple Leads Reversed