Program No. 12: Account number change

Program No. 12 is used to change account numbers. When program No. 12 is entered, an account number will appear in the copy quantity display.

If no account number has been registered, “12E” will appear in the copy

quantity display. Press the key. The copier will return to step 2 on page 36.

1.Use the copy ratio display () key to select the account

number to be changed.

Use the key to advance through the account numbers.

2. Press the START key.

The account number will be erased and –––” will blink in the copy quantity display.

3. Enter a new account number using the numeric keys.

4.Press the START key.

If a number that is already registered or “000” is entered, the number will blink in the copy quantity display.

5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for other account numbers.

6. To continue with other user programs, press the key and enter another program number. To exit the user program mode, press the light () key.

Program No. 13: Account number deletion

Program No. 13 is used to delete accounts. When program No. 13 is entered, “0” will blink on the right side of the copy quantity display.

If no account number has been registered, “13E” will appear in the copy

quantity display. Press the key. The copier will return to step 2 on page 36.

1.To delete an individual account, press the 0 key.

To delete all accounts, press key 1.

2. Press the START key.

If you have pressed the 0 key in step 1, an account number will appear

in the copy quantity display. Proceed to step 3.

If you have pressed key 1, all account numbers will be deleted.

Proceed to step 5.

3.Use the copy ratio display () key to select the account

number to be deleted.

Use the key to advance through the account numbers.

4. Press the START key.

The specified account will be deleted.

5. To continue with other user programs, enter another program number. To exit the user program mode, press the light () key.


User programs


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Sharp AR-162S operation manual Program No Account number change