*1 Enter job code using numeric keys specified in each section below.
*2 Data entry details are listed on each table in each section below.
Example: When programming for job code 5 as ABCDEFGH: 00000100.
Function selection for miscellaneous keys
Job code: 5
*Item: Selection: Entry:
APO in REG mode Allow the PO operation in REG mode* 0
Disallow it 1
BRA in REG mode Allow the RA operation in REG mode* 0
Disallow it 1
CSubtotal void in REG mode Allow the REG mode subtotal void* 0
Disallow it 1
DIndirect void in REG mode Allow the REG mode indirect void* 0
Disallow it 1
EDirect void in REG mode Allow the REG mode direct void* 0
Disallow it 1
FRefund key availability Allow the REG mode refund entry* 0
Disallow it 1
GNo sale in REG mode Allow the no sale operation in REG mode* 0
Disallow it 1
HFractional quantity availability Allow fractional quantity entry 0
Disallow it* 1
Print format
Job code: 6
*Item: Selection: Entry:
AAlways enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
BAlways enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
CTime print on all receipts/journals Allow time printing* 0
Disallow it 1
DDate print on all receipts/journals Allow date printing* 0
Disallow it 1
EConsecutive no. print on all receipts/journalsAllow consecutive no. printing* 0
Disallow it 1
FAlways enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
GZero skip for PLU/UPC report Disallow zero skip 0
Allow zero skip* 1
HZero skip for full sales, clerk, Disallow zero skip 0
hourly and daily net reports Allow zero skip* 1
s5 @
00000100 sA
PrintKey operation example
s @ *2ABCDEFGH*1Job code As
To set “00000000”
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