114 Extras
Example of type Velocity units:
Type Units
Velocity Kilometres/h, Metres/sec,
Miles/h, Miles/sec, Knots,
ConvertF | Select the source unit/ |
| currency. |
H | Switch to the input field. |
J | Enter the quantity to be |
converted. | |
H | field.Switch to the selection |
F | Select the target meas- |
| urement unit / currency |
| The result is displayed. |
You can use both input fields alternately.
Special key functions:
*Set decimal point.
#Change prefix.
When you call up the function, you must enter a basic currency into which the conversions are to be made.
J Enter currency (e.g. euro)
§Save§ Store entry.
Now enter the name and exchange rate of the currency to be converted.
§Options§ Open menu.
Add currency Enter new currency and exchange rate.
Set as base | Use entered currency as |
| basic currency. |
Edit rate | Change the exchange |
| rate of the basic currency. |
Calc. | Start calculator. |
(For standard functions see p. 14)
Two intermediate times can be recorded and saved.
Display, also in standby mode.
When clamshell is closed an icon on the 2nd display indicates an active stopwatch.
C Start/stop.
*Save intermediate time.
After a stop:
§Reset§ Reset to zero.
Stopwatch options§Options§ Open menu.
Stopwatch | Display saved entries. |
list |
(For standard functions see p. 14)