66 | Inst. message |
A contact list must be displayed.
I | Select a contact or |
a group. | |
C | Start communication with |
| the contact. |
| The page is displayed. |
| During Instant message |
| with a group, the name of |
| the sender is placed in |
| front of each contribu- |
| tion. |
C | Open editor. |
J | Write text. |
C | Send text. The text ap- |
| pears in the chat soon |
| afterwards. |
Naturally, you can also receive messages from contacts whom you do not know. This will be pointed out to you in the display, and you can either switch to Inst. Message or ignore/block the contact.
§Options§ Open menu.
Send sound Select and send a melody/
=tone from the list (DRM, p. 13).
Send |
| Select and send a picture |
picture | = from the list (DRM , p. 13). | |
Send any | Send any file. | |
= |
Details |
| Information about the con- |
| tact (if this is authorised by |
| him). |
Clear all | Delete all texts in the cur- | |
| rent Inst. Message. |
Block |
| No more messages are re- |
contact |
| ceived from the contact |
and the contact receives no status information from you.
This function works for all your lists.