116 Extras
Server sett.
Provider: Display the current service provider.
Homepage: e.g. www.siemens.com
Port: | Enter port number, e.g. 80. |
User name: Enter user name (Login name).
Password: Enter password (shown as a series of asterisks).
Calendar path:, Contacts path:, Notes path:, Tasks path:
HTTP au- | Confirmation required; |
thentica- | Yes/No (if No, the input |
tion: | fields are not visible). |
Enter name. | |
name: |
HTTP | Enter password. |
password: |
proxy: |
Last sync:
Time and date of the last synchronisation and synchronised items.
Sync. mode
•Sync data: Modified data or All data
•Sync direction:
Activate Sync items
Mark up the check box of the item to synchronised:
| Calendar |
| Contacts |
| Notes |
C | Tasks |
Save settings. |