Status on the FC call interface; special situation with FC versions
With the FCs AG_SEND (FC 5) and AG_RECV (FC 6), you receive the follo- wing return values after a connection is aborted:
SAG_SEND: DONE=1; ERROR=0; Status=0000H
SAG_RECV: DONE=0; ERROR=1; Status=8183H
The new FCs for longer data fields (FC AG_LSEND and AG_LRECV) react in exactly the same way to a connection abort, in other words with the return values
SDONE=0; ERROR=1; Status=8183
Influence of MPI Connections on Connections via Industrial Ethernet
If a station on MPI is added or removed, for example because a service PG has been connected or disconnected, it is possible that all the connections on the communications bus are aborted. This has the following effects on the communication connections on Industrial Ethernet:
SAll S7 connections are temporarily aborted.
SThe ISO Transport connections on which a job with a data length > 240 bytes is being processed are aborted.
The return values must be handled accordingly on the FC interface in the user program.
2 Installation
2.1Module Accessories
The accessories required to attach the CP
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