108 Extras

New playlist <New Playlist>




list.Enter a name for the play-


Select the required track.

Repeat the process until the playlist is complete.

Music Player options

§Options§ Open menu.

Different functions are offered depending on the situation.


Random playback of


tracks in the current




Repeat tracks in a playlist.

New playlist

Create a new playlist.

Add to

Add a track to the playlist.




Display information about


a track or a playlist.

(For standard functions see page 16)

Push to talk


This application can be used to simultaneously connect multiple sub- scribers. Like a normal Walky Talky, only one subscriber can speak at a time. The others can only listen until the speaker allows others to talk.

A recipient is selected using their push to talk address (ptt ID) or their phone number. Groups created in advance (p. 111) can be invited to a session. Your service provider will supply you with your own

ptt address.

The recipient can also use a mobile phone, as well as a PC with an Inter- net connection and headset (de- pending on service provider).

To use the application, GPRS

(page 88) must be switched on and Push to talk (p. 113) activated.

Preparing a session

From the Addressbook


Open Addressbook


(in standby mode).

Select an entry with

a push to talk ID


(Com. services).

The session with the se-

lected subscriber is start-

ed. For details of how to invite additional subscrib- ers, see page 110.