No connection to the internet/VoIP server
No connection to the
Internet/VoIP server
If one of the following messages is displayed instead of the internal name after the connection assistant is closed, then a fault has occurred:
Server not accessible!
The phone has no connection to the Internet.
¤ Check the cable connection between the base station and the router (the LED on the base station must light up) and the connection between the router and the Internet connection.
¤ Check whether the phone is connected to the LAN. It might not have been possible to assign an IP address to the phone or the IP address has already been assigned to another LAN sub- scriber and cannot be changed.
¤ Find the IP address using the handset menu:
v¢ÐSettings ¢ Base
¤ Start the Web configurator with the IP address.
¤ If no connection can be established, change the settings on the router (activate DHCP server) or the phone’s IP address.
Provider registration failed!
uYour personal data for registering with the VoIP provider may have been en- tered incompletely or incorrectly.
uCheck your entries for , and . Particularly check your use of upper and lower case.
To do this, open the following menu on
your handset:
¢ ¢
¢VoIP ¢ Provider Registr.v ÐSettings Telephony
uThe server address for the VoIP server has not yet been entered, or has been entered incorrectly.
¤Start the Web configurator.
¤Open Settings ¢ Telephony ¢ Connections Web page.
¤Edit the server address where necessary.
Please note:
If port forwarding is activated on your router for the ports that have been registered as the SIP port (Standard 5600) and the RTP port (Standard 5004), then it makes sense to switch off DHCP and assign the phone a static IP address (otherwise you may not be able to hear the other party during VoIP calls):
–Via the handset menu: v¢ÐSettings ¢ Base ¢ Local Network
–Via the Web configurator:
¤Open Settings ¢ IP Configuration
Web page.
¤Select IP address type.
Please note that the IP address and subnet mask depend on the router’s address block. You must also specify the default gateway and DNS server. The IP address for the router is generally entered here.