Message (SMS) | 31 |
Message type
Manual | The message type is re- |
| quested for each message. |
Standard | Normal SMS message. |
text |
Fax | Transmission via SMS. |
| Transmission via SMS. |
New | You may need to obtain the |
| required code number from |
| your service provider. |
Validity period
Select the period in which the serv- ice centre tries to deliver the mes- sage:
Manual, 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week, Maximum *, New
*) Maximum period that the service provider permits.
Status report | ~ |
You are given confirmation of
the successful or unsuccessful deliv- ery of a sent message. This service may be subject to a charge.
Direct reply | ~ |
The reply to your message is handled via your service centre when Direct Answer is activated (for information please contact your service provider).
SMS via GPRS | ~ |
When this function is activated, SMS messages are automatically sent via GPRS (if available).
Requirement: GPRS is activated
(p. 67). Ensure that your service pro- vider offers this function.