Issue 5, June 1999

Warning: Hackers who unlawfully gain access 10 customer lelecommunlcalions systems are criminals. Curronlly, we do nOl know of any telecommunications system thaI is immune to this Iype of criminal aclivily. Siemens will nol acceplliabilily for any damages, including long dislance charges, which resull from unauthorized use. Although Siemens has designed liecurity features into ils prodUCIS, Ills your sole responsibility to use the security features and to establish securily practices wilhin your company, including training, security awareness, and call auditing.

Siemens sales and service personnel, as welt as Siemens's business partners, are available 10 work wilh you to help you guard against unauthorized use 01 your lelecommunlcations system.

Warning: This equipment has been lesled and found 10 comply wilh Ihe limits for a Class B digilal device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These fimils are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful Inlerference when the eqUipment is operated in a residantial installalion. This equipment generales, uses, and can radiale radio frequency enorgy and, i/ nOI installed and used In accordance with the inslructions, may cause harmful interlerence 10 radio communications. However, (here is no guarantee Ihet interlerence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interlerence to radio or television reception, which can be dotermined by turning the equipment olf and on, the user is encouraged to try 10 correct the interference by one or more of lhe fol/owing measures:

Reorient or rolocale tho receiving antenna.

Increase the separalion between the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlel on a circuil dilferenl Irom that 10 which Iha recoiver is connected.

Consullthe dealer or an experience{j radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modilications to Ihis equipmanl coul{j voi{j the use,'s aUlhority 10 operato this equipment.

This equipment does nol exceed Class B limils per radio noise emissions for digilal apparatus, sel oul in rhe Radio Interference Regulation 01 the Canadian Departmenl of Communications. Operation In a residential area may cause unacceptable Interference to radio and TV receplion requiring the owner or operator to lake whatever steps are necessa'Y 10 correclthe interference. See Inslruction manual.

Cat equipmenl ne depasse pas les limites de Classe B d'emission de bruils radioeleclriques pour les appareils numeriques. tel/es que prescriles par Ie Reg/emen' sur Ie brouil/age radioelaclrique elabli par Ie ministilro des Communications du Canada. l'exploitation faile en milieu residentiel paut anlrainer 10 brouillage des receptions radio et teltt, ce qui obligerai\ Ie proprielaire ou I'operaleur iI prendre los disposilions necessairos pour en eliminer les causes. Voir Ie GUide d'inslruclions.

June 1999

Document order number: 1275·00030 Part Number: l30500·B76·X SfW Revision 406

No part 01 this publication may be reproduced, slored in a retrieval syslam, or Iransmilled, in any (orm or by any means, mechanical, eleclronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior wrillen permission of Siemens Information and Communication Networks.

Reques' Siemens publicalions from your Siemens representative or the Siemens branch lierving you.

Oplisel and Siemens are registered lrademarks of Siemens Akliangesellschaf1 ®SiemensAG 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999. All rights reserved.



Issue 5, June 1999







Issue Information


v through x


1 through 118


This document consists of 128 pages.

Issue History


Date Issued


Issue 1

October 1995

Initial Issue

Issue 2

June 1996

Updated cover

Issue 3

September 1996

Updated to support firmware release




Issue 4

July 1998

Updated to support firmware release




Issue 5

June 1999

Reformatted and updated to support all



firmware releases through 4.06



Page 2
Image 2
Siemens NI-1200 specifications Issue Information, Issue Date Issued

NI-1200 specifications

The Siemens NI-1200 is a versatile and innovative device designed for a wide range of automation and control applications. As part of Siemens' extensive portfolio, the NI-1200 showcases cutting-edge technologies and features that enhance operational efficiency and flexibility in industrial environments.

One of the main features of the NI-1200 is its robust processing power. With a high-performance processor, the device is capable of handling complex automation tasks in real-time. This enables seamless integration with various automation components, allowing for greater control and monitoring of processes.

The NI-1200 is equipped with advanced communication capabilities, supporting various industrial communication protocols such as Ethernet/IP, Profinet, and Modbus. This extensive connectivity makes it easy for the device to interface with other systems, sensors, and actuators, promoting interoperability and data exchange across different platforms.

In terms of data handling, the NI-1200 offers rich data logging and analysis features. Users can collect, store, and analyze data from different sources, which is essential for process optimization and troubleshooting. This capability ensures that organizations can make informed decisions based on accurate and timely data, ultimately leading to improved productivity and reduced downtime.

The device is also designed with scalability in mind. Whether organizations are looking to implement a small-scale solution or require extensive systems integration, the NI-1200 can adapt to changing needs. Its modular design allows for easy upgrades and expansions, catering to future growth and evolving technology landscapes.

Another key characteristic of the Siemens NI-1200 is its user-friendly interface. The device features an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) that simplifies configuration and monitoring tasks. This ease of use reduces the learning curve for operators and maintenance personnel, enhancing overall productivity.

Additionally, the NI-1200 is built with durability and reliability in mind, suitable for harsh industrial environments. It complies with international standards for safety and environmental conditions, making it a dependable choice for various applications, including manufacturing, process control, and building automation.

In summary, the Siemens NI-1200 is a powerful and feature-rich automation device that stands out for its processing capabilities, communication options, scalability, and user-friendly interface. Its combination of advanced technologies and robust characteristics makes it an ideal solution for organizations looking to enhance their automation and control processes. With the Siemens NI-1200, businesses can achieve greater efficiency, flexibility, and reliability in their operations.