Siemens pa module p03-01 Industry Sector, IA&DT, → → Project Library → customObjectreactorV10

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Industry Sector, IA&DT

51.Now open the picture ‘Reaktor_R002‘ in the Graphics Designer. (Graphics Designer Reactor_R002.Pdl Open picture)

52.By clicking on the icon ‘’ the libraries are displayed; from the ‘Project Library’ drag the ‘customObjekt_reactor_V1_0’ into the picture.

(Project Library customObject_reactor_V1_0)

SCE Training Curriculum

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To be used only at Educational and R&D Facilities

PA Module P03-01, Edition 09/2013


Unrestricted / © Siemens AG 2013. All Rights Reserved







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Siemens pa module p03-01 manual Industry Sector, IA&DT, → → Project Library → customObjectreactorV10