
Purpose of the manual

This manual contains information which you require when using the operating unit of the SIMATIC Panel PC 670 or PC 870. With this information you can:

￿become acquainted with the functions and components of the operating unit,

￿separate the operating unit from the computing unit,

￿install the Panel PC,

￿perform upgrades and install spare parts, providing you fulfill the necessary conditions.

Target group

The manual is supplied as an electronic document in PDF-format together with the SIMATIC Panel PC 670 or PC 870 and has been written for the following readers:

￿users who commission the device themselves or work with the Panel PC (editing, testing),

￿service and maintenance engineers who perform conversions and install upgrades or spare parts.

SIMATIC Panel PC 670 / 870 Operating Unit, Equipment Manual


Edition 07/01

Page 5
Image 5
Siemens PC 870 Preface, Purpose of the manual, Target group