§Menu§KSetup KConnectivity KData services KSelect function.
Fax/data mode using a PCWith the phone and a connected PC, you can transmit and receive faxes and data. Appropriate software for fax and data communication must be available on your PC and there must be a connection to the phone.
Fax and data services must be enabled by the service provider. There are variations in fax and data recep- tion, depending on the network. Please ask your service provider about this.
§Edit§ Set the required mode.
Rec fax/data | L |
Your service provider has given
you a number for telephoning and a fax/data number.
The call is signaled by a special ring- tone and the type of call (fax or data) is displayed.
Now start the communication program on your PC to receive the fax/ data.
Send vce/fax | L |
Set this function on the phone before transmission so that you can switch from voice mode to fax mode.
While the connection is being set up, the following function is available for two seconds:
§Voice/fx§ Switch to Send vce/fax mode; you may now send a fax.
Voice/fax rec
(Only if a special fax or data number is not available).
Start the required communication program on your PC and select the function on the phone during the call (the PC will take over the connec- tion).
End transmission
End transmissionB with PC software and/or press .
Authentication§Edit§ Activate encrypted WAP