Lists menu
Each list offers different functions:
§Options§ Open menu.
View | View entry. |
Reply | Directly answer incoming |
| SMS messages. |
Delete | Delete selected SMS mes- |
| sages. |
Delete all | Delete all SMS messages af- |
| ter confirmation. |
Send | Dial number or select from |
| Phonebook, then send. |
Change | Open SMS message to edit. |
Capacity | Display free capacity on SIM |
| card/phone. In case of seg- |
| ments: number of concatenat- |
| ed SMS messages. |
Mark | Mark message as unread. |
a.unread |
Save | Copy a highlighted phone |
no.to 9 | number to Phone/Address- |
| book. |
Archive | Move SMS message to ar- |
| chive. |
Print via | Send SMS message to a suit- |
IrDA | able printer. |
Send via | Select an SMS profile for |
... | transmission (page 59). |
The list of SMS messages stored in the phone is displayed.
Options Select
‚ | Draft |
„ | Sent |
¢ | Entry on SIM card. |
X | Concatenated message. |
Different functions are available, depending on context:
Archive menu
§Options§ Open menu.
View | View entry. |
Send | Dial number or select from |
| the Phonebook, then send. |
Change | Open editor for changes. |
Picture& | Save pictures or tones from |
Sound | the SMS. |
For further services, see Filesystem, page 84.